Become A Whistleblower

SuniThere are many more whistleblowers than there used to be; the numbers are increasing. It is important to note that a whistleblower is an employee or other person who reveals evidence of corruption or wrongdoing at their workplace and decides to disclose the corruption or wrongdoing so that fraud can be eliminated.

Real Knowledge about Fraud and Corruptions are Necessary

It is important to note that if you want to be a whistleblower, you must have actual knowledge of the fraud or corruptions and not just suspicions. You must also have evidence and documentation to back up your claims. In addition, a whistleblower’s knowledge of what happened should not come from such sources as TV, radio, administrative heating or a Freedom of Information Act request.

Reasons why a Person chooses to be a Whistleblower

There are reasons why a person chooses to be a whistleblower such as seeking a financial reward or being motivated by moral and ethical desires. Some whistleblowers protect taxpayer funded programs. In addition, some whistleblowing acts uncover fraud; fraud that involves substandard care in nursing home, dangerous prescription drugs and unsafe equipment. Such whistleblowing acts save lives; as well as protect taxpayer’s money.

To conclude, being a whistleblower is an honorable act; however, to be successful as a whistleblower you must arm yourself with actual knowledge of what happened and not rely on or think that suspicions or what you have seen or heard on TV, the radio or other media outlets will be sufficient for your claims. The more comprehensive and detailed your evidence is; the more successful will be your whistleblower claims. 


Become a whistleblower here if you have witnessed a corporate fraud.